

1. BitComet BitComet :

  • 全新高效的網絡內核,快速穩定,高速下載時依然保持很少的CPU占用。
  • 多任務同時下載,並支持對一個Torrent中的文件有選擇的下載。
  • 允許限制上傳速度和下載速度。
  • 動態磁盤緩存技朮,有效減小高速下載上傳對硬盤的損傷。
  • 自動保存下載狀態,續傳無需再次掃描文件,作種子也無需掃描文件。
  • 支持XP防火墻和網絡連接共享,硬件路由器(支持UPnP)的自動端口映射,內網免配置。
  • 可選為沒有下載完畢的文件添加.bc!后綴。
  • 自動檢查版本更新。
  • 支持多Tracker協議。
  • 只需一個監听端口即可滿足所有下載需要。
  • 多語言界面。

官方網站: http://www.bitcomet.com/indexzh.htm

2. 貪婪BT (GreedBT) ABC

  • 3MB的安裝包包含了所有功能,制作發布,多任務,高級設置等
  • 占用內存很少,速度飛快,設置全面。
  • 單窗口多任務同時進行
  • ABC-Tweak工具可以自由更改貪婪BT(ABC)的顯示界面
  • 隊列的優先級系統
  • 支持暫停、繼續、隊列、刪除的操作
  • 最小化到系統任務欄
  • 查看下載的詳細信息
  • 可以進行上傳、下載許多設置
  • 可以為每個任務單獨進行設置
  • 支持從Shad0w's bittorrent延伸過來的高級設置
  • 支持超級種子模式
  • 可以設置下載完成的文件的動作
  • 可以設置最大任務數
  • 支持提示保存目錄
  • 支持從本地和網絡手工添加torrent文件
  • 支持關聯torrent文件
  • 包含了制作torrent文件的工具
官方網站: http://bt.greedland.net/greedbt.php

3. BitAnarch 1.05a

  • 支援暫停、繼續 操作
  • 最小化到系統任務欄
  • 查看下載的詳細資訊
  • 可以設置下載完成的檔的動作
  • 可以設置最大任務數
  • 支援提示保存目錄
  • 支援從本地和網路手工添加torrent檔
  • 支援關聯torrent檔
  • 支援Muti-Tracker下載
官方網站: http://sourceforge.net/projects/bitanarch/

4.BitSpirit (比特精靈)v2.0 Final BitSpirit

  • 磁盤緩存机制
  • 很高的下載速度
  • 強大的下載管理功能
  • 文件選擇性下載
  • 快速啟動任務,無需等待 :靈活的速度控制
  • 數据壓縮傳送
  • 詳細的運行狀態信息
  • 方便的計划下載
  • 跟IE相集成,輕松下載
  • 監視剪貼板,方便添加任務
  • 完整支持UPNP,ICF
  • 可以與其它下載者聊天
  • 支持HTTP/SOCKS4/5代理
官方網站: http://www.lanspirit.com/bitspirit/index1.htm

5. BitTorrent CVS

  • 佔用記憶體很少,速度飛快:最小化到系統任務欄
  • 查看下載的詳細資訊
  • 可以進行上傳、下載設置
  • 支援提示保存目錄
  • 支援關聯torrent檔
官方網站: http://ei.kefro.st/projects/btclient/

6. Turbo BT

  • 清晰明了,美觀的界面.速度,時間,種子,對等用戶狀態一看就知
  • 中文,英文,繁體中文多語言版.可以動態切換
  • 可以保存系統設置,動態修改設置,取得最佳的下載效果
  • 在運行過程中可以暫停和恢復
  • 非常低的資源占用率. 在高速下載的同時不影響其他軟件的使用
  • 根据普遍的網絡帶寬配置,提供快捷速度設置,設置速度只需要從菜單上選擇一下
  • 下載完成后自動進入種子者模式.且速度降低.在造福其他人的同時,不影響自己的工作娛樂。
  • 提供動態幫助提示顯示在狀態欄,幫助您快速學習軟件的使用
  • 下載完成后自動播放提醒聲音
  • 可以自定義設置端口,在某些網絡中默認端口被封閉的情況下.多任務下載
  • 下載隊列
  • 自動關机
官方網站: http://www.turbobt.com/

7. Azureus

  • 包含了所有下載功能,設置等
  • 佔用記憶體很多,速度一流
  • 支援暫停、繼續、刪除的操作
  • 最小化到系統任務欄
  • 支援提示保存目錄
  • 支援從本地和網路手工添加torrent檔
  • 支援關聯torrent檔
  • 支援Muti-Tracker下載
  • 完美的下載細節
官方網站: http://azureus.sourceforge.net/

8. Shareaza (簡稱:Raza)
是支援 eDonkey、BitTorrent、Gnutella 檔案共享平台的 P2P 用戶端軟體,在國外的評價極高,該軟體公司的目標是打造一個支援各種 P2P 檔案分享平台的用戶端軟體,Shareaza 完全免費,不含間諜軟體、沒有附加廣告軟體。

第2代BT除了不傷Hard Disk外,支援多國語詞,還加入P2P功能(唔怕死Link),第2代BT = BT+WinMX+Media Player,如你想用P2P功能那一定要Connect eDonkey, 好多人都有個問題,就係連唔到去eDonkey, 其實好簡單, 去工具,入面有個setting,入面揀番個eDongkey2000, 再下載番,再揀埋自動連線就可以連到的了!

官方網站: http://www.shareaza.com/


What is a .BIN? What is a .CUE? What is an .ISO

The .BIN & .CUE CD image format was made popular by the CDRWin software. Afterwards many programs have started supporting or partially supporting it, including: Nero, BlindWrite, CloneCD, FireBurner. The .CUE file contains the track layout information, while the .BIN file holds the actual data.

ISO is also a CD image format, but is sometimes used for 'ISO9660 format' (standard, recognized by all applications) and sometimes for unique Easy CD ISO format.

There are varity ofsoftware that can handle .BIN, .CUE,and .ISO files. Each extension can be burnedinto aCD-R or a CD-RW. Below listed some of the popular software available in the market today:

  • Alcohol 120% - My favourite, excellent software, easy and yet very advanced (burns ISO, BIN/CUE, CCD, CDI, BWT files!)
  • BlindWrite - easy to use
  • FireBurner - also very good, a single .EXE file!
  • BurnAtOnce - A handy and FREE tool for burning .bin/.cue/.iso. Easy to use.
  • Nero - many of you have this, but it can't handle all image files.
  • CDRWin - This is the original BIN/CUE software.

In case you don't have CD/DVD burner, or in case you just want to read the content without any CD/DVD media. You can "mount" the image files as virtual CD-ROM drives using:

There are also several softwares you can use to exploit & manipulate BIN/CUE files in various ways:


1. I have a .BIN file but no .CUE?
You will need to hand made the .CUE file. .CUE can be made with just Notepad. A typical PC CD-ROM .CUE looks like this:

FILE "image-name.BIN" BINARY
TRACK 01 MODE1/2352
INDEX 01 00:00:00

A typical Playstation(One or Two) .CUE file looks like this:

FILE "image-name.BIN" BINARY
TRACK 1 MODE2/2352
INDEX 1 00:00:00

"image-name.BIN" being the name of the image file (IWDII.BIN, CIV3.BIN and so on...)
Notice the difference of the track mode - PC-ROMs being Mode 1, Playstations CDs Mode 2 and (Super)Video CDs are also MODE2/2352.

2. How do I make .BIN & .CUE files?
CDRWin or the BIN/CUE format is not ideal for distributing. BlindWrite suite and CloneCD perform a lot better in this purpose and can also handle various copy protections. Both of these softwares can also create .CUE files for increased compatibility.

3. I have a .BIN & .CUE, but my CD writing software can't locate the .BIN file?
Edit the .CUE file with Notepad (or similar) and verify that the FILE "C:\path\image.bin" matches the location of your image file.

4. My image file is IMAGE.BIN.EXE and I can't rename it!
Read here - http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/23982

5. Sector sizes of CD image files (by Aldaco12)?
When you talk about images must think on SECTORS not on DATA SIZE. The rules are:


  1. A standard 74 min CD is made by 333,000 sectors.
  2. Each sector is 2352 bytes big, and contains 2048 bytes of PC (MODE1)Data, 2336 bytes of PSX/VCD (MODE2) Data or 2352 bytes of AUDIO.
  3. The difference between secor size and data content are the Headers info and the Error Correction Codes, that are big for Data (high precision required), small for VCD (standard for video) and none for audio.
  4. If you extract data in RAW format (standard for creating images) you always extract 2352 bytes per sector, not 2048/2336/2352 bytes depending on data type (basically, you extract the whole sector).
  5. This fact has two main consequences:
  6. You can record data at very high speed (40x) without losing information, but if you try to do the same with PSX or Audio you get unredable CD (for PSX) od audio CD with lots of clicks because there are not error correction codes (and error are more likely to occur if you record at high speed.
  7. On a 74 min CD you can fit very large RAW images,up to 333,000 x 2352 = 783,216,000 bytes (747 Mb). This should be the upper limit for a RAW image created from a 74 min CD. Remember that if you store standard data (backup files), you can burn only 333,000 x 2048 = 681,984,000 bytes (the well known 650 MB limit).

    Note that an image size is ALWAYS a multple of 2352 bytes (you extract SECTORS), if extracted in RAW mode.


Writing Effective Use Cases

by Alistair Cockburn (Paperback)
Addison-Wesley Pub Co; 1st edition (January 15, 2000)

Editorial Reviews

Amazon.comAlistair Cockburn's Writing Effective Use Cases is an approachable, informative, and very intelligent treatment of an essential topic of software design. "Use cases" describe how "actors" interact with computer systems and are essential to software-modeling requirements. For anyone who designs software, this title offers some real insight into writing use cases that are clear and correct and lead to better and less costly software.

The focus of this text is on use cases that are written, as opposed to modeled in UML. This book may change your mind about the advantages of writing step-by-step descriptions of the way users (or actors) interact with systems. Besides being an exceptionally clear writer, the author has plenty to say about what works and what doesn't when it comes to creating use cases. There are several standout bits of expertise on display here, including excellent techniques for finding the right "scope" for use cases. (The book uses a color scheme in which blue indicates a sea-level use case that's just right, while higher-level use cases are white, and overly detailed ones are indigo. Cockburn also provides notational symbols to document these levels of detail within a design.)

This book contains numerous tips on the writing style for use cases and plenty of practical advice for managing projects that require a large number of use cases. One particular strength lies in the numerous actual use cases (many with impressive detail) that are borrowed from real-world projects, and demonstrate both good and bad practices. Even though the author expresses a preference for the format of use cases, he presents a variety of styles, including UML graphical versions. The explanation of how use cases fit into the rest of the software engineering process is especially good. The book concludes with several dozen concrete tips for writing better use cases.

Software engineering books often get bogged down in theory. Not so in Writing Effective Use Cases, a slender volume with a practical focus, a concise presentation style, and something truly valuable to say. This book will benefit most anyone who designs software for a living. --Richard Dragan

Topics covered:

  • Introduction to use cases
  • Requirements
  • Usage narratives
  • Actors and goals
  • Stakeholders
  • Graphical models for use cases
  • Scope for use cases (enterprise-level through nuts-and-bolts use cases)
  • Primary and supporting actors
  • Goal levels: user goals, summary level, and subfunctions
  • Preconditions, triggers, and guarantees
  • Main success scenarios
  • Extensions for describing failures

  • Formats for use cases (including fully dressed one- and two-column formats)
  • Use case templates for five common project types
  • Managing use cases for large projects
  • CRUD use cases
  • Business-process modeling
  • Missing requirements
  • Moving from use cases to user-interface design
  • Test cases
  • eXtreme Programming (XP) and use cases
  • Sample problem use cases
  • Tips for writing use cases
  • Use cases and UML diagrams
From Book News, Inc.
A specialist in object technology presents software developers with a current guide to writing use cases as a means of capturing the behavioral requirements of software systems and business practices. Covers key elements of use cases, a style guide with suggested formats, a list of time-saving writing tips, a set of use case templates with commentary, and learning exercises with answers to clarify important points.Book News, Inc.®, Portland, OR


作者: 劉龍龍












企業一旦開始導入開放原始碼,負責提供資訊服務的廠商們馬上就會產生地殼擠壓效應。最主要的是原有廠商們在過去多年之間所建立牢不可破的組合必須重新整理,因為現在可能有第二建議解決方案,可供選擇了。如果原有廠商願意合理提供更佳的技術、服務、及保障,那繼續採用無妨;如果不願或不能(如產品代理權限不足)合理提供應有的項目以滿足基本需求,那就可以考慮改由有技術能力的廠商以開放原始碼方案取代?,以免越陷越深。我的瞭解是現在市場競爭激烈,供應商除非是客戶趁機獅子大開口,要求的太離譜,做下去真的不敷成本;否則都是將本求利,儘量滿足客戶需求。如此,買方或許就因此能迅速重振 (廠商不一定非是降價以求,而是將原來套牢的繩索打開)主動優勢效益。





Job Training? 教育訓練 for 職能建置與評估?



a. 未來力:實現願景策略, 培育能因應願景策略需求的人才
b. 優質力:傳承擴散內部成功典範
c. 競爭力:優勢競爭力是必需要掌握的。

2. 風險

a. 高階缺乏對未來目標與策略的共識
b. 組織的分工與層級不明確
c. 公司內部缺乏優秀典範或典範不被認同
d. 主管們對職能評鑑有抗拒或不配合
e. 找不到適合職能發展的訓練課程
f. 缺乏資源來建構訓練藍圖


有同好有一樣的困擾 - 如何使用自己的data logging軟體,因此寫了這篇來分享我的簡易改裝。 Background 雲豆子 MERCURY roaster 烘豆機的設計是使用自行開發的軟體,來:1. 操控風門/火力; 2. data logging/自動烘焙。 ...