ASP.NET AJAX 1.0 Released
See Scott Gu's article for more details.
Outlook 2007 Signature file location
MS has remove the right-click editing function in Outlook 2007, and the location of signature files is changed (from Outlook 2003). Here's the new default location in Outlook 2007:
profile location = C:\Users\username
In version 2007, Outlook added a nice Name card feature. I decided to wait a little bit, until most people stop reading plain-text for e-mails.
why use signature in email?
Microsoft Office Outlook 2007 行動訊息服務
何謂 Outlook 2007 行動訊息服務?
Outlook 2007 行動訊息服務是 Microsoft Office Outlook 2007 的一項功能,可以讓您在 Office Outlook 2007 和任何行動電話之間傳送及接收簡訊。您可以設定 Outlook 2007 行動訊息服務來傳送工作和連絡人的簡訊提醒,或甚至直接將包含每日行事曆的簡訊傳送到行動電話,再也不需擔心錯過任何重要會議。
Outlook 2007 行動訊息服務使您不論是在公司外或是與客戶開會時,都可享有接收重要時效性資訊的彈性和自由。Outlook 2007 行動訊息服務所提供的增強型連線可以提供更高的客戶滿意度、更佳的團隊通訊,並減少不必要的麻煩。此服務為您提供了在今天快速變遷的工作環境中隨時擁有最新資訊的通訊工具。
Outlook 2007 行動訊息服務不但使用簡易,而且除了您的行動電話之外,不需再使用任何其他的軟硬體。只需向 Outlook 2007 行動訊息服務提供者註冊,即可使用 Outlook 2007 行動訊息服務提供者。請向當地的服務提供者立即註冊。
我為何需要 Outlook 2007 行動訊息服務?
您忙碌的一天可能包括與客戶和同事協調、出差到客戶所在地點或進行簡報和展示。管理忙亂的行程可是一件全職工作。Outlook 2007 行動訊息服務有助於讓您隨時掌握現況。您不需要向辦公室報到,因為辦公室會向您報到!
o 從 Office Outlook 2007 傳送簡訊 (SMS) 到任何行動電話,包括您自己的行動電話。
o 在 Office Outlook 2007 收件匣中接收對您已傳送之簡訊的回覆。
o 以簡訊形式將電子郵件從 Office Outlook 2007 傳送到任何行動電話。
o 根據您設定的規則,自動以簡訊形式將電子郵件接收到行動電話。
o 將單一的電子郵件傳送到多個收件者的電話。
o 自動接收以簡訊形式傳送到行動電話的 Office Outlook 2007 提醒。
o 以簡訊形式從 Office Outlook 2007 傳送行事曆
Vista user experience - change default font size
As a professional user, I always try to maximum usability, especially on a 15'4 laptop -- space is limited here. With Vista's default theme, the usable area has shrink a lot. One of the main reason I found out, is that the default font size is changed from 8 to 9pt, which take away at least 20% of the usable area compared to the older WinXP shell.
You can still change the font size via Control Panel in 4 simple steps (just like the old way, but one more click). No need to edit registry or stuff like that.
1. Right-click the desktop, choose Personalize, click the first "Windows Color and Appearance" (視窗色彩與外觀) option.
2. Click the "Open classic appearance properties for more color options" (開啟傳統外觀屬性,以使用其他色彩選項) link near the bottom.
3. Click the Advanced button on the "Appearance Settings" dialog.
4. Select each item, and then flip the Size field to 8 pt.Your Vista desktop is now transparently convoluted (at least a little more)...
勇闖美麗島 - 深入台中挖寶貝
2006/12/26 首播:週二 22:30 - 23:30
重播:週三 06:00 - 07:30 13:00 - 14:00
非當週重播 (前三個月) 週日 14:30 - 15:30 23:30 - 24:30
第 1 天 萬家香腊味專賣店 → 干城跳蚤市場 → 沐夏精品汽車旅館 →
第 2 天 大麵粳 → 神農谷藥草浴 → 紐西蘭全羊餐廳
◎相關地圖:∣ 全區地圖∣ 松鶴部落
在建國市場裡的這家腊味專賣店,不但有口感特殊的廣式金銀肝,還有湖南、四川、雲南大陸各地,不同風味的腊製品。除此之外,金華火腿、各式各樣的肉干、肉鬆,也是店家的拿手絕活,琳瑯滿目的各式肉製品,不但讓你買到手軟,還能提供宅配喔。 要做出歐衣西的金銀肝,可是少不了新鮮的豬肝。而且,為了除掉豬肝的腥味,還得先加入鹽巴、糖和蔥蒜、辣椒調味,醃上數個小時之後,才能夠將豬肝拿去風乾喔!
干城跳蚤市場有寶藏,什麼都有,什麼都賣,什麼都不奇怪!這個位在台中市東區的跳蚤市場,在經營管理上面,也都是有專門的人士在負責,才能規劃出中部最大規模的跳蚤市場。 三層樓的汽車旅館,就好像是個小型豪宅,品味高雅的裝潢,讓人不自覺的放鬆身心。而且,這裡的每個房間還有不同的功能設計;可以讓你唱卡拉OK狂歡一整夜,也可以欣賞近期上映的經典影片,只要先告知服務人員,就能夠針對你的需求安排房間喔!
來到部落的全羊餐廳,除了自己動手烤全羊,也別忘了嚐嚐大嫂拿手的全羊大餐;從羊頭到羊腳,都成了桌上的創意佳餚。販賣羊肉料理已經30年的大嫂,處理羊肉可是有自己的一套學問,不但堅持選用當天現宰的新鮮羊肉,而且還一定要用母羊來做料理,這樣食物才不會有羊騷味。如果你也想來嚐嚐羊肉豐富多變的美味,別忘了要事先預約喔! 親切不做作的招待,源自於這群愛好自然的朋友,也讓小路感受到最真誠的情感,在松鶴部落,不需要華麗的言語與裝飾,大自然的美景和在地人的熱情。就是這裡,最吸引人的魔力。
F5 debugging of ASP.NET applications on IIS7 Vista
1. Install Visual Studio 2005 SP1 update;
2. Install required IIS components such as Windows Authenication;
3. Make the web application to run under Classic mode.
Check out Mike Volodarsky's article for a complete load-down.
MMS to overtake SMS?
As MMS (Multimedia Messaging Service) starts to gain momentum in the market, one has to wonder whether it will overtake SMS as the dominant messaging tool for cellphone users.
As was with SMS when it was first launched, MMS uptake has been fairly slow, with the cellular networks only really beginning to push the service over the last year.
There are a number of benefits to using MMS as opposed to SMS. Instead of 160 characters, users can now type over 2000 characters as well as adding pictures and music to the message – and all this for only R0.90. With many cellphone users resorting to sending two or three SMS when they can’t fit everything into one SMS, the cost saving of MMS is obvious.
There are currently downsides to MMS though. Firstly, most phones have a friendly interface for SMS, which makes it easy to type and send SMS. MMS interfaces on cellphones are not always as user friendly making MMS harder to create and send.
In addition, the size of MMS can go up to 300 KB on some phones. The MMS is then sent or received via GPRS (General Packet Radio Service), which means the phone has to establish the connection and take the time to send and receive – a further downside. And while more and more phones are now MMS compatible and more users have taken the time to retrieve their MMS settings from their networks, the penetration of MMS is still not as widespread as SMS.
So what’s going to change things? Well according to Eddie Groenewald, CEO of Multimedia Solutions ( www.multimediasolutions.co.za ), MMS advertising will. Multimedia Solutions is the first company in South Africa to overcome the challenges of bulk MMS. The company has run advertising campaigns in the automotive, financial, cellular, FMCG and eventing industries.
“It was with the advent of machine to person communication that SMS really took off,” he says. “When it was simply peer to peer, SMS awareness spread virally from user to user as people sent SMS to friends. With the advent of bulk SMS from PC to cellphone, the sheer volume of SMS being sent out gave SMS awareness the critical mass it needed.”
Groenewald believes the same will happen for MMS. However, for many consumers, this raises immediate alarm bells. SMS Spam and SMS premium rated short codes now dominate all forms of media advertising. The introduction of MMS advertising could therefore potentially see consumers’ cellphones ringing non-stop with advertising.
“Not so,” Groenewald argues. “Consumers will also be happy to know that their interests have been prioritised. Firstly, the advertiser pays for the MMS. This means that even the downloading of the MMS via GPRS is free.
“Secondly, Multimedia Solutions only delivers MMS between 8am and 5pm, unless the MMS is prompting an after hours event. Lastly, Multimedia Solutions anti-spam policy ensures no consumers receive unsolicited MMS with MMS only being sent to consumers who have specifically asked to receive information on the advertisers’ products,” he says.
And consumers who do not wish to receive advertising via MMS can unsubscribe at anytime and will not receive MMS adverts from Multimedia Solutions in the future.
The true test of how far MMS has come this year will be seen early next year when the cellular networks give an indication of how well MMS faired over the festive season and whether this had any impact on SMS growth.
感動排骨飯 - 台中范記金之園排骨
第一次來這裡時真的懷疑女友的推薦,因為除了店不起眼外,一點配菜都沒有,一客100元的排骨飯,上菜時真就傻眼了 -- 因為排骨飯真的就是四樣東西:排骨、飯、味增湯,跟飯上那一丁點不知名的日式調味醬。這種店竟然還要排隊...
有同好有一樣的困擾 - 如何使用自己的data logging軟體,因此寫了這篇來分享我的簡易改裝。 Background 雲豆子 MERCURY roaster 烘豆機的設計是使用自行開發的軟體,來:1. 操控風門/火力; 2. data logging/自動烘焙。 ...

等了非常久的 Mercury 烘豆機 終於到貨了。找了水電來接220V就迫不及待開烘了。 Overall 這是一台CP值非常高的機器,可以說是目前(2017年5月)最接近貴森森營業機種的縮小版。 一應鉅全:有下豆槽,小型化的的風門,銀皮收集桶,跟風管。 ...
有同好有一樣的困擾 - 如何使用自己的data logging軟體,因此寫了這篇來分享我的簡易改裝。 Background 雲豆子 MERCURY roaster 烘豆機的設計是使用自行開發的軟體,來:1. 操控風門/火力; 2. data logging/自動烘焙。 ...
網路上已經有很多小富士(Fuji Royal) 的文,我就不多說了。有鑑於專業磨豆機大多都是平刀,這台家用玩家等級的,價格上來說,相對很超值: 小富士與專業的,如ditting比起來,細粉還是略多。 兩台小富士相比,平刀略勝。 ...