Here's the steps:
1. Installed samba server
yum install samba
2. Created directory to be shared
# mkdir /home/fileServer
# chown root:root /home/fileServer
# chmod 770 /home/fileServer
3. Edit samba configuration file
# cd /etc/samba
# mv smb.conf smb.conf.sample
# vi smb.conf
workgroup = MYWORKGROUP
comment = file server
path = /home/fileServer
writable = yes
create mask = 0770
directory mask = 0770
4. Edit samba user accounts
# smbpasswd -a root
# smbpasswd -a amy
5. Update smbusers file
# vi smbusers
root = administrator admin
amy = amy
6. Started smb daemon
# service smb restart
7. Test
In Windows XP, typed \\