After some dig out, here's the steps, mostly taken from (
Make key for apache daemon
1. log in to source server as root
2. create .ssh directory for apache user. Make sure you have the ownership right:
$ mkdir /var/www/.ssh
$ chown -R apache:nobody /var/www/.ssh
3. Generate the ssh-key authentication key as user apache using sudo. Use the default file location and leave empty when prompted for passphrase.
$ sudo -u apache ssh-keygen -t rsa
4. Append apache's public key to destination server
$ sudo -u apache cat .ssh/ | ssh dest_user@dest_server 'cat >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys'
5. Test the set up. You’ll see that you can now run ssh commands without being prompted for the user password:
$ sudo -u apache ssh dest_user@dest_server